This is my second birthday as a free man, and I honestly can say that I never felt so happy: everyday I do what I want — as opposed to what other people think I should do
, check this post —, I continuously meet beautiful people, I visit incredible places, I learn everyday something new, and everyday is quite different from the preceding one.
Of course I miss my family and friends (my mum sent me this birthday cake, but unfortunately it was just the photo!) but you know I have all of you in my heart everyday. I am currently in Montevideo, Uruguay, thinking on where to go next — although some beach
seems to be the right answer :-) I don’t know for how long I will be able to afford this lifestyle, while one thing I know for sure is that I will not come back to the other one. It is long ago that I stopped getting worried in advance.
Bottom line: we are the owners of our own life, and this life deserves to be lived fully. It is our responsibility to do so. To be happy. My thanks go to you, all my friends and my family, for loving and supporting me every single day in this adventure that is my new life.
I am happy.
ma quando è stato il 30 gennaio?
sono andata……forse i miei neuroni stanno facendo il giro del mondo, solo che mi hanno lasciata a casa…
imperdonabiliAUGURIINRITARDO e grazie a te oggi sorrido.
ci vediamo fra un po’ vero?…..
Grazie, grazie.
Ci vediamo fra un po’ via Skype o similari, mi sa. Altrimenti o venite voi a trovarmi o vi tocca aspettare un pochettino :-)
Un bacio a M+O
go on to feel free my friend
straaugurozzi in straritardo PIERGI!
felice cammino!
Grazie, grazie.
Quale Tala sei? ;-)
si scusa dimenticavo…andrea tala!…mi sto guardando tutte le foto…