S M F G · A Counter-Clockwise Trip Around The World

El harén

Jul 24th 2010

The last two weeks were—as my mother said—like a holiday in the extremely long holiday that your new life has become. It all started with an email received a couple of months ago.

One of my best friends was asking me where would I have been in August, because she was looking for a destination for her holidays. Easy—I said—where do you want me to be? We agreed for Colombia, on the coast, and she started looking for flights. After a few weeks, she told me that another friend—whom I met in Barcelona at very beginning of my trip—was coming along. Then another one, then a fourth. All girls :-D

We met in Cartagena, first Lavinia with me in the afternoon, then in theevening Núria and Gemma, and last but not least Ariadna in the night! That reminded me of the good old days of Greece, when I met with a whole bunch of unknown beautiful girls, some of which are still between my best friends.

If you want to know how a group of very different people managed to survive living together for a fortnight, don’t miss the next posts!

This post is filed under America, Colombia and tagged , , .

7 Responses

  1. Núria says:

    Dear Piergino,
    Finally I write in your blog :-)
    Your friend was looking for a destination for her holiday and also was looking for having some time with one of her best friends as well:-)
    Definitively I want to be “active” in your trip around the world and share some part of the cake with the rest of the people you meet.
    I’ve seen you have uploaded some pictures! Lovely.
    PS Rosanna, Piergino sta benissimo! Ti mando i miei cordiali saluti e spero di rivederti a Treviso.

  2. Ally says:

    Hey, well…

    “el Haren”! the Greece one was unique, I am sure that this “holiday” it has been interesting too.

    PS special greetings to Nuria

  3. Gemma says:

    I like this story, I want more!!!! Kisses

  4. mamma says:

    Grazie Nuria di rassicurarmi su Piergi! Lo vedo che sta bene ed è felice ed io lo sono per lui e con lui!
    Ti aspetto a Treviso con estrema gioia.
    A presto e baci

  5. Su says:

    Dear piergi
    as one of your girl’s greece harén I envy veryyyyyy much you experience in Colombia ;
    but greecE will always be greece !!!
    actually I’m in cabo de gata , las negras with David,Jan and Emma now drinking a gintonic and I’mtoasting for your amazing trip arounf the worl
    See you soon or not ;) in Barcelona where you be able to meet my family
    huge kiss

    • pt says:

      Ohilà Su!

      ¡Qué placer!

      Of course Greece is Greece, I am not comparing at all :-D
      Once in Barna I’ll most definitely go visit you, don’t worry.
      Enjoy your gintonic, I’ll go for a roncito :-)

  6. Luigi says:

    Piergi, come ti vedo triste in mezzo alle fighe…

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