S M F G · A Counter-Clockwise Trip Around The World


Dec 31st 2009

The idea of a 48 hours bus ride from Buenos Aires to Rio was less than enticing, and I cowardly opted for a much faster, much safer and only a little more expensive flight via Montevideo. That gave me the opportunity of visiting — yet another — new airport!

The first thing I noticed going from Rio airport to the city in the ônibus is that Brazilian people come in all sizes and colours and styles, but they all are Brazilian. Meaning that this is — so far — the first country where I can see diversity while I can feel unity.

My first day was obviously dedicated to the beach, Copacabana in this case :-) I met with a nice bunch of CouchSurfers, and in the second day it was already the Pan American Summit. As you can see from the map, most of the activities are parties, and after four in a row, yesterday I went home just after the cultural event (visit to the Académia da Cachaça) so today I can write this article for you my dear followers :-D

So here I am, happily couched in Glória with a fast wireless available, waiting for the big night in Copacabana beach, and posting an article and two galleries. Ready to be with two million (2 000 000!) more people all dressed in white, music, drinks, kisses, happiness. I’m really looking forward for that, and hoping that the rain will spare us at least for a few hours (this week it rained too too much!). The photos will be less than usual (sad story) but I’ll try to do my best, as always.

Superbacana, superbacana, superbacana, superbacana!

Nada no bolso e nas mãos


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6 Responses

  1. Ally says:

    Happy new year!

  2. Manu says:

    Buon anno!
    Plein de bonnes choses pour 2010!
    Plein de bisous!!!

  3. valentina says:

    Buon Anno Piergi….a te ed a tutte le persone del mondo che stanno seguendo la tua

  4. Gigio says:

    Happy new year!

  5. pt says:

    Thank you very much / Grazie mille / Merci très beaucoup davantage :-P

    I spent a fabulous New Year’s Eve on the beach in Copacabana, definitely a magic experience.

    Now it is time to pack and go, destination … Stay tuned for more rock’n’roll!

  6. Gigio says:

    Ho visto il video del paracadute…….
    te si fora!

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