S M F G · A Counter-Clockwise Trip Around The World

Overdose of west

Apr 10th 2009

After almost four months of India, I was craving for a bit of Western World, and when I arrived to the Bangkok international airport, I kind of felt like home.

I found a nice couch far from the tourist area, with internet connection and even a roof-top swimming pool! For reaching Kao San Rd. I had to change between the two lines of sky train, and this change was in the Siam area. This area is a commercial one, packed with shopping malls, each one the size of three or four Plaça Catalunya’s Corte Inglés!

On every corner there was an English pub, a McDonald’s, a Starbucks Coffe and a multiplex cinema. The good part was the great availability of free wireless connection, on the other hand of course the prices were quite different form India, so a coffee here was the same price of an hour connection there :-(

On Kao San Rd. things were more peculiar: packed with touts—including people selling student cards, driving licences and boum-boum—and tourists everywhere. During a CS meeting I also tried my first bucket: rum, coke and Red Bull :-)



You know: the city is nice, ordered, there is a good public transportation, but it lacks the beach! Luckily, Thailand has a good choice of that last item, so once again I headed south, and I think this galleries (one, two, three) are pretty much self-explanatory of my days down there.

This post is filed under Asia, Thailand and tagged , , , , , , , .

13 Responses

  1. Ally says:

    This post has had no comments for some days. This is a bad sign.
    Why is this?
    Possible options:
    1. nobody checks this blog anylonger.
    2. the post is not interesting.
    3. the internet doesn’t work anymore on the continent

    I exclude all these possibilities and focus on a deeper analysis.

    The truth is that we are starting to comment pictures more than posts. Which shows that the visual aspect of life is very important (Tv Vs papers, books and Radio, etc.). To see what Pi is experiencing is more immediate and very involving. however, I would like to stress all the readers on the importance of words (and the posts).
    Stories, impressions and feelings written by our traveller are stronger than all the beach pictures and the food plates.



  2. a-l-e says:

    ah ah ah!!! the “Anonimous engineering society” hit the score!!!!
    U insert Ur logo nearby Ur posts!!!!!…

    nobody post any comment?!?…in depends by something called CIKKATA!!!;)))

    • pt says:

      Well, it’s my Gravatar. I tried to put a photo, but it was too small. Any way, that logo is around six years old, and it is way more closely related to this site than to the Anonymous :-)

  3. a-l-e says:

    …and tonight…BUCKET!!!:)

  4. settima says:

    tanti saluti divertiti

  5. Società anonima di ingegneria says:

    Non so se Ally abbia ragione (nè chi sia Ally..), ma concordo in pieno sull’importanza delle parole! :-) Ed infatti mi piacerebbe un mondo scambiare due parole con Pi!.. nel frattempo goditela, Pi, mentre qui si sgobba, ed alle parole ed alle foto si sostituiscono disegni e calcoli.. :-\
    PS: comunque, massima attenzione nel nominare l'”anonima” invano! Il Signore-e-Padrone che tutto vede potrebbe decidere di traformare le spiagge della Thailandia nella terra di Mordor!.. ed al posto dell’occhio di Sauron, un “A” stilizzata!.. :-)

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