S M F G · A Counter-Clockwise Trip Around The World

Birthday party!

Feb 7th 2010

4 Responses

  1. Ally says:


    you are now 41, don’t you think is time to cut your hair?

    or is it a sort of strategy? you will cut your hair after you have decided where to live!

  2. a-l-e says:

    it seems like that night was so looooong!!!!!
    […maybe 41 years long!!!;-)))]

    did U play “shining” to Maski?!?!
    she’s terrified… hope she will travel with U again!!!;-)

    last but not least…I notice that someone writes on the wall “sei molto bravo”… mmmhmmm…
    e bravo Piergi!

  3. Enrico says:

    Madonna che capelli!

  4. Maria Laura says:

    Ciao Piergi,

    ho appena visto le foto dal Uruguay , molto belle!
    Se vuoi tornare a vedere il prossimo carnivale dal mio appartamento , benvenuto!
    Complimenti ancora per la tua decisione di vita, sei molto bravo!
    Un abbraccio e fammi sappere come sei andato a Punta del Este.
    Maria Laura

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