S M F G · A Counter-Clockwise Trip Around The World

Leaving Argentina

May 7th 2010

The winter is slowly coming behind me, and I still have to visit Bolivia and Perú, going to places up to 5000 m above sea level. As much as I love to travel slowly, this is the time to just go!

I stayed just a couple of days in Tucumán, long enough to meet a few fellow travellers and then I moved north to Salta: here I spent almost three full days in bed, because the icy nights and the total lack of heating at my hostel got me a nasty flu :-( I did, though, have the time to go for local food, namely locro, tamales and humita, all of them very suited for the climate.

Once able to travel again, it was Humahuaca and then La Quiaca: nothing really that keeps you there, except for crossing the border!




More photos here.

This post is filed under America, Argentina, Bolivia and tagged , , , , , .

2 Responses

  1. Merchu says:

    Fue un placer tenerte en el país Piergi. Ojalá vuelvas pronto, como dice el slogan “lo importante no es que vengas sino que vuelvas!”


  2. Gigio says:

    Tajete el caveo!
    ciao Piergi!

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