S M F G · A Counter-Clockwise Trip Around The World

Christmas in February

Dec 25th 2008
Happy in Goa

Happy in Goa

In Goa I met with other CSers, including Nat, a girl from The Team of Naxos: The world is smaller than you think!

We had a real good time together, but as life in Goa goes slowly, I would rather post some pictures that are pretty much self-describing than try to render the atmosphere with words.

There you go!

With Maski and Natalie at our favourite shop

With Maski and Natalie at our favourite shop

Life in Goa goes slowly

Life in Goa goes slowly


Il pranzo di Natale …

Il pranzo di Natale …

… with a Draught beer!

… with a Draught beer!


Palm trees …

Palm trees …

… and under the cliff a nice spot to swim! (It's me waving at the camera)

… and under the cliff a nice spot to swim! (Just in case you didn't noticed, it's me waving at the camera!)

I would like to end with a bit of Christmas spirit: this is all I found in Goa!

The Christmas spirit in Goa

The Christmas spirit in Goa

Note: the title refers to the fact that although I wrote this post in February, I put Christmas date. And to the fact that I love quoting!

This post is filed under Asia, India and tagged , , , , , .

11 Responses

  1. Matta says:

    You’re going to enjoi a little beat too mutch and you are missing your friends. In your map i saw you visited almot all India …
    Tell us, we are curious …

    PS: here in Italy we are still waiting for the end of winter (today morning -4°), so give us some summer image more …

    • pt says:

      I visited south India, and my visa is about to expire. Almost time to go …

      The pictures are coming: I had ten days of almost no electricity—let alone internet connection!

  2. cam says:

    i’m sorry pg i’ve lost some posts for i was so busy…fucking life!
    so i felt lost opening your new marvellous blog and i needed some time to get used to. every day i support your choice and i’m happy for you.

  3. Ally says:

    where will you go after India?

  4. Abe says:

    …remembering good old philosophy.

    with little nostalgia and envy

  5. buck! says:

    That picture from the cliff!
    I just can’t imagine how fast you ran down to the beach to take yourself a picture!
    What a risky task!!!
    …Oh, by the way, merry Christmas!

    • pt says:

      LOL! Actually that was pretty easy: I set the self-shutter of my camera on 30 minutes, and I took my time :-)

      Did you find the quotations?

      • buck! says:

        Did you mean:
        “Il pranzo di Natale”
        “Christmas spirit”
        “Our favorite shop”

        Have I won anything?

        • pt says:

          No, only music (although Il pranzo di Natale is pretty much OK).

          So far:
          1. The Style Council, Our Favourite Shop

          Any other?

          • pt says:

            1. The Style Council, Our Favourite Shop
            2. The Velvet Underground, We’re Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together
            3. Lou Reed, Christmas In February

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