S M F G · A Counter-Clockwise Trip Around The World


Nov 21st 2008
The end of the Siq

The end of the Siq

On the boat to Jordan, with Myriam and Ale we joined a small group of other lost-looking travellers: a girl from Long Island and an Argentinian from Mar del Plata.

As everybody was going to Petra, we decided to share the taxi and the hassle of finding a suitable place in Wadi Musa.

Petra by candlelight

Petra by candlelight

So we went to a hostel and on the next day we hiked through Petra. I think that the photographs can give you an idea of the beauty of the site way better than my words. Yes, I also went through the 800 steps that lead to the Monastery!

On that same night we had the magic opportunity of a visit by night: the Siq lit by candles is something that I will not forget too soon. In front of Al Khazneh there were musicians and singers performing live, and the organizers were serving tea.

Zuppa di …?

Zuppa di …?

On our way from Aqaba to Petra, we stopped for a coffee, and I noticed this cardboard box with an Arabic writing that my Italian friends will probably appreciate. Some relation with this bar?

This post is filed under Asia, Jordan and tagged , , .

5 Responses

  1. Ally says:

    Great to see your cultural side staying alive.
    Do you remember a night play in Greece in an ancient theater? 2+ hours of play in… (why not?) Greek!
    But it was great.

    Going on Holiday soon and will have difficulties to connect to the internet… I will catch up later!

  2. Matta says:

    Only one word … WOW!!

  3. buck! says:

    Know what?
    “Pinup Bettie Page hospitalized after heart attack”
    read more at:

    maybe someone cares…

  4. Ally says:

    Wow! you are in Nepal, I really envy you!

    Apparently India wasn’t so charming after all!


  5. pt says:

    I’ll be back on Monday, don’t worry: this is a technical stop.

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