S M F G · A Counter-Clockwise Trip Around The World

Back on line!

Nov 3rd 2008
Back to the beach!

Back to the beach!

After a week of work on unknown software, I’m back on line. It was raining most of the time, and that was a good excuse to stay at home working on the site. I also would like to thank the neighbour that provided a wireless Internet connection. But now there is an almost-summer sun shining outside that prevents me from revising all the posts and comments imported from the old blog.

This means that your help, my dearest readers, will be very appreciated: when you find things that are not working as supposed you can leave a comment with your suggestions, and I’ll try to fix it as soon as possible (ie: on the first rainy day).

You can find the galleries previously posted on Picasa, on the top of the page, until I finish the transfer on the new domain. On the same place there is a link to the map of the trip and a page — still empty — about me.

That’s all for now! I hope that you will appreciate my new home.

This post is filed under Asia, Israel and tagged , , , , , .

10 Responses

  1. M. says:

    Bellissima casa nuova!
    Compliments! ;-)

  2. max says:

    hey man!!
    Good Site!
    MAx. (C.S.)

  3. Ally says:

    Argh! I am not the first one!
    the new site is nice. I am sure once I have some spare time I’ll find some suggestions.
    Still in Israel?
    where are you planning to travel next?

  4. pt says:

    Hi to all!

    I was not expecting comments so soon!
    The first time you write a comment here it will take a bit more time, because I have to approve it manually (only the first time, it is a spam countermeasure). So don’t get mad at me if your comment takes a bit to show up.

    I’m still in Israel, and the rain stopped: beach . . .

    Ciao ciao, a presto.

  5. cam says:

    i wanted to be the first yesterday, but my web connection doesn’t work well…so i’m the fifth… like hamilton…this means that i’m the winner!
    very nice site…Good choice!

  6. buck! says:

    well, just when I got used to the good old blog layout, now I have to change habits…
    anyway, I think your choice is good.
    just a note: you should let your users register their nick, so they can participate better to your blog.
    happy beach!

  7. pt says:

    The membership is set on “Anyone can register”. I’m not sure how it looks from outside, anyway. I’ll give it a try.

  8. pt says:

    OK, I’ve checked it.

    I presume you should register on the site: you find the link on the bottom of the sidebar, in the “Meta” chapter.

    There should be also the possibility of using an avatar, but I’m not sure. Let me know.

    ->Buck! Se pensi che dovrei mettere il link per registrarsi da qualche altra parte dimmi pure: ogni consiglio e’ bene accetto!

  9. !aievtutolctuiu! says:

    i really appreciate your new home… but to me, is too much EMOTIONAL the picture on the top!
    too much, capisc’?

  10. pt says:

    Ha ha ha! LOL! Actually the only emotion that I remember is arriving on Friday morning and having a nice briòsc e cappuccino!

    Happy to see you here! Welcome.

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