S M F G · A Counter-Clockwise Trip Around The World

It wasn’t me

Apr 19th 2010

As you may or may not remember, a few weeks ago I was talking about a «new project». This post is my first attempt at something—almost—completely new: drawing a comic.

As this is a first-timer, I know there are quite a few things that need to be re-worked, but I prefer to just post it as-it-is and wait for your comments. By the way, I got none from the «Not found» page, so I suppose you just didn’t find it. Whatever.

Here goes the story, heard from a CSer in Montevideo ((I am afraid that if I don’t write the full story the comic itself would be hardly intelligible!)).

A girl called for pizza delivery, and when the guy showed up she realised she only had a 500 pesos note. She left the money on the table, under her telephone, and went to her room to get some change. On her way back, she paid the guy and walked him downstairs to unlock the door for him. Once back to the flat, she looked for the telephone and found it missing, along with the 500 pesos! She immediately walked to the pizzeria to intercept the delivery guy on his next trip.

The guy appears, and a surreal conversation takes place:

—You stole me!

—No, I didn’t!

—Come on! I used the phone to call you, and after you left it is not there any more.

—I didn’t steal you.

—Whatever. At least give me back the sim-card.

—I don’t have your phone.

And so on, until the girl, exhausted, gave up and went back home.

The part I liked most of this story is that the girl is still going to the same pizzeria, they still have the same delivery guy, and she greets him normally like all of the other workers, as nothing ever happened. :-)

OK, no more words, I know you all like to just look at the pictures!

Comic strip

It wasn't me

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15 Responses

  1. Manu says:

    You are very talented!
    I really like the way it’s drawn, the expressions on the faces and the size would be perfectly adapted for any newspaper, magazine…
    One could never tell it is your fisrt-timer.
    Congratulations and persevere in this way! I’m impressed ;-)


  2. MAMMA says:

    WOW! Bravo Piergi!
    E’ bello,molto espressivo e divertente.
    Avanti tutta!

  3. Ally says:

    really good…. come on!

  4. Marita says:

    hai talento.
    aspetto la prossima “banda”….
    grande piergi e bacio

  5. Clari says:

    Felicitaciones, Piergi! Está muy bueno el dibujo y las expresiones, me reí con la historia! Seguí dibujando y compartiendo tus trabajos!
    Un abrazo,

  6. pt says:


    Thank you very much for the comments, I will do more for sure.
    The only thing is that I am not very good at writing — after two years of this journal you probably already realised that! — and so I need a good idea to draw something about it.

    I’m trying already to set up a joint-venture with my favourite writer-friend, but we have a free-time shortage issue ;-)

    Thanks again, big hug.

  7. L'Anonima says:

    Non capisco questo continuo ricorso alle linee curve.. ed il bisogno di disegnare a mano libera quando si potrebbe usare solo un righello!.. Per cui mi dissocio.

    Sul serio: niente male, Pi: ora aspettiamo una striscia più “corposa”! :-)

    • pt says:

      Vuoi dire con piú «corpi»? Ha ha ha aha hh aah aha hahah a LOL!

      MANÍACO! E anche operaio! :-D

      ~ọỏØỏọ~ 10 ~ọỏØỏọ~

  8. a-l-e says:

    Bella Pi!
    (grazie x gli auguri!!! ecco il motivo per il quale “the maniac” s’è ricordato!!!;-)

    bella la “strip”!!! …manca solo la canzoncina di Shaggy in sottofondo ;-)

  9. Zio Paolo says:

    Ciao nipotino; ti restano Polo Nord, Polo Sud e la Luna (mandami cartolina da quello più freddo).
    Vedo che stai diversificando la tua Communication Strategy passando anche per i fumetti
    ti; complimenti.
    Visto che tuo rientro non sembra prossimo e dato che un complessino degli anni ’50 ha ripreso
    preso a suonare, avrei bisogno della Strato rossa: posso averla? Ciao

    • pt says:

      Vai tranquillo, ma mi sa che dovrai cambiare le corde, o almeno farti il richiamo dell’antitetanica :-)

      Ciao ciao, buon «Cuando calienta el sol»!

      • Zio Paolo says:

        Esagerato| ‘cuando calienta el sol’ è troppo moderna, noi siamo rimasti al ‘walzer del moscerino’
        Grazie molte, prendo accordi con mamma Luana. Buona continuazone nippte Globetrotter

  10. karina says:

    ciao piergui,il tuo fumetto è molto carino nella tua pagina esigenze chiaramente più creatività nella foto ma con la pratica tutto va meglio fortuna con i vostri fumetti

    • pt says:

      Grazie, grazie.

      Oye, yo aprecio muchísimo tu esfuerzo para aprender italiano, pero hay veces que no se entiende muy bien. Éste suena así: en tu página exigencias claramente más creatividad en la foto pero con la práctica todo amejora suerte con los comics de ustedes ¿de qué foto hablas? ¿Qué página? ¿Puedes poner una traducción al castellano, porfa?

      Baci da Medellín.

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